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RE: Non-blocking read too slow on file/serial stream

On 04 October 2007 16:02, Jesús wrote:

> dear all,
> I am doing a 'read' operation on a non-blocking FILE stream attached to
> the serial port.
> Every non-empty read (about 120 bytes) is performed in less than 200 us.
> However, if no data in buffer, read returns -1 but the operation takes
> 1500 us or more in average. Too much for my application...
> Any explanation?
> Any workaround?
> Best regards
> Jesús
> Spain

    Hi Jesús,

  Please send this query to the gcc-help list, instead of this one.  This list
is about programming the internals of the gcc compiler itself; the gcc-help
list is for help using the compiler and programming /with/ it.

  (Also, when you re-send your post, add some details about what computer and
operating system you're using.  And you might want to google "O_NONBLOCK"
while you're waiting for a reply...)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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