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Re: Gprof and shared libraries

"Christian Sturz" <> writes:

> I've a larger project that consists of several shared libraries.
> The compilation is done by autoconf and automake. One of the libraries
> seems to be slow so I would like to profile it. My idea was to use gprof
> (I'm using gcc 3.4.6). First, I modified the Makefiles so that each library
> is built with the flags "-g -pg". Next, I've set the variable LD_PROFILE to
> the library I want to analyze: "LD_PROFILE=/path/to/". Then, I ran the program and got the file "gmon.out". However, when I execute
> "gpof MYEXECUTABLE gmon.out" all the displayed functions have a time of
> 0 seconds (number of calls is available) and I can't find and references
> to the function from the library I specified by LD_PROFILE.

This question is not appropriate for, which is a
mailing list for the development of gcc.  It is appropriate for, which is a mailing list about using gcc.  Or
maybe for the glibc help mailing list, since LD_PROFILE is actually
handled by glibc, not gcc.

I don't know the answer to your question.  It may be that you need to
run "gprof /path/to/ gmon.out".  I'm not sure.


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