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Re: strict aliasing benefit examples

for(i = 0;i<*t;i++)
  *f += 1.0;

This one is pretty realistic, especially if you consider C++ and inlining:

	struct s {
	  int size;
	  float *data;

	void f(struct s *d, struct s *s)
	  int i;
	  for (i = 0; i < s->size; i++)
	    d->data[i] += s->data[i];

can be optimized by GCC to this:

        lwz r0,0(r4)
        cmpwi cr7,r0,0
        blelr- cr7
        lwz r3,4(r3)
        mtctr r0
        lwz r4,4(r4)
        li r9,0
        slwi r2,r9,2
        addi r9,r9,1
        lfsx f0,r3,r2
        lfsx f13,r4,r2
        fadds f0,f0,f13
        stfsx f0,r3,r2
        bdnz L4

Note that the only load in the loop is for vec->data[i]. vec->size is known not to change during the loop.

With an "int *data" it is impossible to disambiguate. However, base+offset alias analysis can disambiguate the accesses to s->size and d->data[i] if struct s is defined as follows:

struct s {
  int size;
  int data[1];


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