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Re: GIMPLE issues and status of gimple-tuples

Nikolaos Kavvadias wrote on 11/20/06 10:13:

I still believe that the following is better: Because i have seen
work very smoothly with CFG and CFG/SSA in Machine-SUIF.
> if (a) goto b;
> if (!a) goto c;

Better how? Faster compile times? Reduced memory utilization? More opportunities for optimization? Compared to what baseline?

And about gimple-tuples: Do gimple-tuples support  DDG extraction on
tuples GIMPLE IR? If it's not there, is anyone interested in
developing this (i mean together but i'm just starting with GCC so
please be gentle).

The gimple-tuples branch is exclusively a data structure rearrangement
to reduce the memory footprint taken by GIMPLE.  We are not going to
change the IR in any significant way.

Also: gimple-tuples focuses more on low-GIMPLE right?
No. It focuses exclusively on the data structures we use to represent the IR.

if-stmt : COND_EXPR op0 -> condition op1 -> compound-stmt op2 ->

This would be for what we've come to known as High GIMPLE.  The
documentation for Low GIMPLE is a bit lacking.  It's mostly documented
in source code comments.

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