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Re: More __comp_ctor () woes

For the code shown below, if i get the type node for the class: "MyClassT<int>" and then call TYPE_METHODS() on it and iterate over the nodes, there is no FUNCTION_DECL node for the function:

MyClassT<int>::MyClassT<::int, ::char const*>(::char const*)

From what I understand from the documentation, since this is a member function of the class like any other constructor, it should exist. There is a TEMPLATE_DECL node however that represents this in the list, but it returns NULL_TREE when used with eithre of the macros: DECL_TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATIONS(tmpdecl), or: DECL_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATIONS(tmpdecl). I would expect that it should return non-NULL_TREE for DECL_TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATIONS(tmpdecl)

I know the FUNCTION_DECL node for the function:
MyClassT<int>::MyClassT<::int, ::char const*>(::char const*)

exists as the node passes through the: gimplify.c: gimplify_function_tree() method.

Is this a bug or am I doing/expecting something that is incorrect?


template<typename Type> class MyClassT { public: template<class _InputIterator> MyClassT(_InputIterator __beg) {} };

typedef MyClassT<int> MyClass;
int main()
  const char* str1 = "Hello1";
  MyClass mc(str1);

  return 0;

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