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Re: how to make gcc stop when there is a warning

> > I'd like to tell gcc to quit when a warning is encountered
> > (or even if a specific warning is encountered). Is there a way to do
> > this?
> Yes.  -Werror.  If you can tell us why you weren't able to find it in
> the documentation, perhaps we can address that!

Partly, because I never learned to read. Partly, I'm impatient. Partly, because when any
search containing "warning" is extremely unhelpful when you actually LIKE the warnings.
Partly, the man page says, "Make all warnings into errors" for -Werror when perhaps it
should say, "Treat warnings as errors: stop compilation immediately," or something like
that. The latter might, however, have something to do with my not being able to read.

It's probably my fault, so addressing the issue means sending some dark-suited fellers
around and roughing me up a bit. ;)

In any case, I appreciate the quick response!


"Give up learning, and put an end to your troubles." -- Lao Tzu

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