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Multiple errors with GCOV

Good <time-of-day>!

I'm writing code coverage analysis tool for C++ which uses GCOV as a source of coverage information. My program is written in C++ and it heavily uses Boost libraries.

As a result of trying to run compile my program and Boost with GCOV support I've found that GCOV does not work well with complex C++ programs.

For example, GCC produces ICE when Boost.Program_Options is compiled as a dynamic library, Boost.Serialization compiles only if I make some modifications to xml_grammar.cpp file, etc.

I've tracked down a couple of bugs: and another one which I can't remember :)

I don't see any progress on GCOV, so I assume it's up to me to fix these bugs. I'm writing here to cooperate with GCOV developers to avoid duplicate work.

With respect,
            Alex Besogonov (

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