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Re: svn diff branch woprking copy against mainline?

> I think RTH's suggestion of using a "+" or similar symbol to indicate the
> root is a good one.  Another possibility (not mutually exclusive with that
> one) is to have some shorthand like using ".." in a context where a URL
> is required to "do the right thing".  (Obviously an issue here is in
> determining whether something is a URL or filename, so maybe something 
> like "%.." or "-.." is needed.)

I think you're missing an important point about URLs.

It's an URL.  If you want to add an extension, use the URL syntax!

RTH's suggestion should be +:something/here at least, or preferably
some [a-z]+ before the colon.  We already have svn:, http:, and
svn+ssh:.  There's no reason why we can't have tag: or root:

SVN developers: A question: How hard is it to add a new URL method to
the current sources?  Could we add, for example:

	root:foo/bar  -> svn+ssh://
		(or whatever your working root is)

	tag:foo/bar  -> (something)/bar
		("something" is looked up in .svnrc by "foo")

> There's no real need for this to live in svn itself.

I think a generic mapping solution can work for gcc and benefit other
SVN users as well.

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