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Re: Where does the C standard describe overflow of signedintegers?

> From: Georg Bauhaus <>
>> Paul Schlie wrote:
>>> From: Robert Dewar <>
>>>> Paul Schlie wrote:
>>>> I don't contest that it may, I simply don't believe it should.
>>> you can't seriously mean that with respect to uninitialized
>>> variables. this would mean you could not put local variables in
>>> registers. the effect on code quality woul be awful!
>> Why would anyone care about the performance of an access to an
>> un-initialized variable? [..] although do
>> see substantial value in producing compiled code which is strictly
>> consistent with the specified program and native target behavior,
>> regardless of its portability.
> You can have both, correctness and uninitialised local
> variables. For an impression of the difference in performance,
> and for a way to ensure correctness, I tried this
> (switch register/volatile in the declaration lines in comp
> and r to see the effects).

- which predominantly illustrates the effect of volatile semantics?

  int x, y, z;
  int x=1, y=2, z=3;

  would illustrate the effect of potentially uninitialised local variables,
  along with the accesses specified to the uninitialised elements of buffer.

  in that circumstance, what optimizations would you advocate as beneficial?

> #include <stddef.h>
> #include <assert.h>
> #define BUFFER_SIZE 1000  // must be > 0
> #define ITERATIONS 100000  // must be > 0
> static inline int comp(const short, const short, const short);
> /* pre: a has elements, that is hi > 0. Frequently called */
> int r(short a[], size_t hi)
> {
>   //register int x, y, z;
>   volatile int x=1, y=2, z=3;
>   assert(hi > 0);
>   for (size_t c=0; c < hi + 2; ++c) {
>     if (a[c]) {
>     jfssoae:
>       x = c + 3, y = z = a[c];
>       if (comp(x, y, z)) z = x - y;
>     }
>   }
>   return x + y + z;
> }
> static inline int comp(const short x, const short y, const short z)
> {
>   //register int result = (x + y) == (x +  z);
>   volatile int result = (x + y) == (x +  z);
>   return result;
> }
> int main()
> {
>   short buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
>   int result;
>   assert(ITERATIONS > 0);
>   for (int runs = 0; runs < ITERATIONS; ++runs) {
>     result = r(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
>   }
>   return result;
> }

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