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Re: GCC Build historians: $with_multisrctop: is this ever set?

> I've grepped through the entire tree and can't see how the configure
> variable with_multisrctop is ever set to anything than itself.

./ sets it as part of the multilib setup, used by
libiberty, newlib, etc.

Please read the ./etc/configure.texi documentation, which explains it.

> For example of hoops, see libiberty configure script which attempts
> to determine where install-sh is located via series of if/then/elses
> and sets that to ibiberty_topdir.

Libiberty is different because it's built both with and without the
multilib hooks.

> Note that this doesn't actually really work that well as intended
> since it passes this value to AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR($libiberty_topdir),
> isn't designed to accept shell variables, so a directory with the
> actual name "$libiberty_topdir" is created in the libiberty
> directory if you run autoconf.

That's a different bug :-P

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