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Re: tr1::unordered_set<double> bizarre rounding behavior (x86)

Joe Buck <Joe.Buck@synopsys.COM> writes:

| On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 08:05:39PM +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
| > It is definitely a good thing to use the full bits of value
| > representation if we ever want to make all "interesting" bits part of
| > the hash value.  For reasonable or sane representations it suffices to
| > get your hand on the object representation, e.g.:
| > 
| >    const int objsize = sizeof (double);
| >    typedef unsigned char objrep_t[objsize];
| >    double x = ....;
| >    objrep_t& p = reintepret_cast<objrep_t&>(x);
| >    // ...
| > 
| > and let frexp and friends only for less obvious value representation.
| I disagree; on an ILP32 machine, we pull out only 32 bits for the hash
| value, and if you aren't careful, your approach will wind up using the
| least significant bits of the mantissa.  This will cause all values that
| are exactly representable as floats to collide.

I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing.  With the
representations I'm talking about, value repsentation == object representation.

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