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Re: Using inline assembly with specific register indices

> Ok about the "r" convention I wrongfully used, it is assumed for the integer
> register-file.


> I am currently using MIPS + soft-float + some other functionalities in
> Coprocessor #2 with success (somewhat tested in a functional simulator). About
> 10-12 special-purpose instructions are implemented in COP2 plus the
> ctc2,cfc2,... etc instructions that are detailed in the MIPS ISA documents. All
> added instructions are faithful to the COP2 convention (6-bit opcode + 26
> implementation specific bits).


> I have used Matt Hiller's patch on binutils, for supporting coprocessor register
> names, which was uploaded at gcc-patch ml circa June 2002. It works, at least
> for the things I have used it. Actually the patch doesn't correspond exactly to
> either versions 2.13,2.14 or 2.15 but to some CVS snapshot (I suppose).

Correct. CVS as of the day it was submitted.

> My question on the usage of inline assembly regards omitting writing long jump
> tables (e.g. with nested switches). This is not usually necessary but it is
> when dealing with dynamic code generation.

I'm not sure what the question is here.

> Plus: can gcc co-operate with dynamic code generation tools e.g. the GNU
> lightning? I have also heard of another tool, dcg (if i spell it correctly).

I've not done any of this.


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