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Re: SVN repo updated, http access, and commit mail format

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 22:21 +0000, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Daniel Berlin wrote:
> > >  That is, there won't be 
> > > any problems like those mentioned in comments in bugzilla-checkout and 
> > > htdocs-checkout and cgibin-checkout with the new scripts.
> > 
> > I don't understand what the real problem is, because the comments claim
> > something that is so strange to me i have a hard time believing it.
> > I can tell you you can run multiple scripts, and it will properly
> > substitute things, etc.
> > So in fact, it seems like the checkout scripts don't need to send mail
> > like they do now.
> I don't know the real cause, but the mere existence of the log_accum 
> system where CVS runs a script for each directory and the script needs to 
> merge the logs and send a single message if it's on the last directory 
> (rather than just having a hook for the whole commit) seems rather fragile 
> and a way in which CVS is simply broken which can be avoided with SVN.

Right. SVN has a hook for the whole commit
> Will wwwdocs be handled as a separate repository (with its own repository 
> revision numbers) or as a directory in a single GCC repository?  (I don't 
> know if anything else in the existing repository, e.g. "benchmarks", is 
> live to need conversion to SVN rather than just staying available 
> read-only from the old repository.)

Your choice. It really doesn't matter either way to me.
Viewcvs allows multiple repos with different names, and putting the
right repo in the url is already done.

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