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Implicit altivec vs. linux kernel build

Hi !

There seem to be a problem with gcc 4.0 and implicit generation of
altivec instructions when -mcpu=970.

The problem is that the kernel cannot afford to use altivec instructions
(nor FPU) except in controlled environment. Specifically, things like
the RAID6 code has altivec (and SSE/2, which I think has a similar
problem) implementation which runs in the proper environment.

In order to build that, we have -mcpu=970. Unfortunately, with 4.0, that
causes gcc to implicitely generate altivec code, which breaks it all.

So what is the proper way or set of options for me to:

 1) optionally have POWER4 optimisations (that must be independant on
the rest below)
 2) be able to use altivec instructions in assembly
 3) be able to use altivec in a few selected bits of C code
 4) never have altivec code implicitely generated by the compiler


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