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Re: g++: 'protected' member function cannot be declared friend

On Jan 31, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Matt Austern wrote:

On Jan 31, 2005, at 1:05 PM, Fariborz Jahanian wrote:

g++ issues a diagnostic on this test case.
Section 11.4 does not address this issue, but I think that this is a g++ bug. The
fact that a member function itself is 'protected' should not prevent it from accessing members of other
classes where it is declared as 'friend'.

% cat protected.C class FOO { protected: void Push(); };

class S {
        friend void FOO::Push();

The problem is the other way around. FOO::Push() is allowed to access private members of classes that declare it to be a friend, but nobody said that class S was allowed to access FOO's private or protected members. This code is illegal.

Oh, and I should mention: the place where this is addressed is 11.4/7: "A name nominated by a friend declaration shall be accessible in the scope of the class containing the friend declaration". This is an error because the name FOO::Push is not accessible in the scope of S.


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