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Please Help Me with Dev-C++


I am writing because i'm new to programming, VERY NEW. I got a book for Christmas about Game Programming, and it came with a disk. On that disk there was a version of Dev-C++. I installed it, and I'm trying to work through the tutorials on the help menu in an effort to learn basic C programming. Unfortunatly I've come to a hult! In the turotial it tells you how to make a simple program called the Hello World Program. I copied the code exactly as follows:

#include <stdin.h>
   printf("Hello World\n");

I then saved this program as hello.c and then I clicked on the Execute tab of the toolbar and then click Compile. That is what the tutorial says to do, and what I get is an error. In the Compile Log (at the bottom of the screen) the toal errors equal 1, and this appears in the Compile Log:

Compiler: Default compiler
Executing gcc.exe...
gcc.exe "C:\Dev-Cpp\Project 1\hello.c" -o "C:\Dev-Cpp\Project 1\hello.exe" -I"C:\Program Files\Dev-CPP\include" -L"C:\Program Files\Dev-CPP\lib"
Execution terminated

Also under the Copile Tab (bottom of screen) under Line it says 2, under File it says C:\Dev-Cpp\Progect1\2, and under the Message it says "unable to run program file.".

Is there something I'm missing or something i'm doing wrong? If so could you please help me? I've been so frustrated trying to learn this stuff, but I can't even practice! If you could send a step by step process from opening of the program to the compiling, linking, and running process that will work I'd appreciate it!

Thank You,

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