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Re: gcc cross mips output sizes, 2.95.3 vs 3.3.3

Zack> Is CSiBE compiling for MIPS as well?  If so, check whether
Zack> they're using MIPS16.  If not, the numbers are incomparable.

I looked through the CSiBE website and the latest download tar.gz but
I could not find any mention of what mips they are targeting.  Anyone
here know?

Zack> Could you please run 'mipsel-linux-gnu-size' over all of these
Zack> object files as compiled by 2.95, then do it again for the same
Zack> object files compiled by 3.3.3, subtract the 2.95 figures from
Zack> the 3.3.3 figures, and report the results?

Looking into it.

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