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Re: Optimizer suggestions for 4.x

On Oct 31, 2004, at 3:49 PM, Sam Lauber wrote:

According to the Info manuals for GCC (at least 3.3.3), the -fssa option is buggy and not ready for production use. I think a progressive optimizing solution would not only make ssa less buggy, but if it was applied to the rest of cc1, it could up the amount of optimization. I also think optimizatons should run in parrell so that for example, when -O1 is specified, it will run two -O1/2s (multithreading?). This would make optimization faster, especially considering almost all programs nowadays are compiled with something like "gcc -g -O2" or even -O3. Also, I think an -foptimize-loops option should be added to convert loops that are appropriate to for loops. I think also that specifying -Oanything should remove GOTOs since they are messy and slow programming pratcice and can send the PC bouncing like a Ping-Pong ball.

-fssa is removed from 3.4.0 and above.  But now we have a tree level SSA
optimization which is turned on by default.

Also in 3.4.0, we already have the RTL based loop optimizations to
use CFG based instead of based notes.  In 4.0.0, we have tree SSA
based loop optimizations already.

Also gotos are removed/changed so that they are not there are at all.
This has been done for a while, since at least 2.95, most likely a
large time before that.

Andrew Pinski

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