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Re: Ada, treelang needs to be converted to --enable-mapped-location

Has anyone looked at wether the -gnatD switch (where
all sloc will be pointing to virtual files generated
by the front-end after scanning and not real source files), 
is relevant to this design discussion?


On Thu, 2004-10-07 at 07:15, Robert Dewar wrote:
> Richard Kenner wrote:
> > (2) If we do it in Gigi, the issue is that the line-map code expects to see
> > locations created in increasing order, but there's no guarantee that the
> > nodes will be processed in that order.
> Note that even the initial creation of source locations in the GNAT
> front end does not meet the requirement of creating locations in
> increasing order, because of scan backup.
> > My proposal is basically to take the view that source_location is an unsigned
> > int that's an opaque datatype used to encode a (file, line column) triple.
> > This datatype can either be defined in the front end (in which case it
> > provides a language hook to produce that triple from the encoding) or it can
> > use routines provided in line-map.c to generate the encoding.
> That really seems easier to me, given especially that the concept
> of locations is language dependent wrt things like generic instantiation.

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