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Re: C++ and Ada.

Daniel Lundqvist wrote:

If I import it as a normal ADA record I can't use constructors,right?

Right. By the way ADA is the American Dental Assocation (or any one of several other acronyms, including Americans with Disabilities Act -- there is a fun poster of Clinton saying "The president wants your help with ADA". The language is called Ada, after Lord Byron's daughter, Ada, who is given credit for being the first programmer.

And there is no way of using CPP_Constructor with a non tagged type?

No there is not

Any timeline on this?

not yet

With this new pragma support will there be any work to eliminate the need for manually specifying C++ mangled symbol names? If that is possible.

We don't have any plans, these pragmas are intended to be used with a binding generator, no free software binding generator is available yet.

Is this document available anywhere? Would be interesting to read of what will come.

We will post it here when it is available :-)

Thanks in advance,

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