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Re: GCC 3.5 Status (2004-08-29)

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004, Daniel Berlin wrote:

> Just a note, I pasted your email into the wiki
> (, and edited it slightly (mainly changing []'s
> to ()'s so they don't show up as link, and making the data second level
> list elements), so that we have a nice, editable html page you can use
> to refer to.

The original call for projects - before it turned out there were 45 of 
them - suggested they'd go online as they came in.  Having people put 
their own proposals online (whether in the Wiki or in wwwdocs CVS) as part 
of submission seems like a plausible approach for future use to 
parallelise the process of putting the proposals online.

I've duly linked to the C90 status (including the original proposal) from 
the Wiki.

Joseph S. Myers      - status of C90 for GCC 3.5 (personal mail) (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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