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Re: porting gcc for a VLIW architecture

zysheu wrote:
> It is controll by the gcc at the latest pass .  Do I need to define pattern
> to capture all the possible RTL code ?

No.  You only need enough RTL codes such that the rest can be
synthesized from the operations you have defined.

> Do these patterns include standard name pattern and empty name pattern ?


> Are expand patterns and split patterns  needed to define asm output ?


Gcc converts trees/gimple to RTL in the middle end.  This is done by
calling patterns in the md file.  Only named define_insn and
define_expand patterns can be called at this time, so this is the only
RTL that can be generated by the middle-end.  After RTL is generated,
all insns must match a define_insn in the md file.

The optimizer uses define_insns to optimize the RTL.  If we create new
RTL during optimization, we do a pattern match to make sure that the new
insn matches a define_insn in the md file.  So you can have additional
unnamed/named patterns which are used for optimization.

Every define_insn has an assembly language template.  When emitting
assembly during the final pass, for each insn, we find the define_insn
it matches and emit the assembly template.

define_split is also used by optimization, except it takes one or more
RTL insns as input and emits one or more RTL insns as output.

You can do a port without using any define_split or define_expand
patterns.  This just allow better optimization and better initial RTL
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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