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RE: Configuring GCC build: doc patch

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Dave Korn wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Sasse Staff Elec Eng []
My case was Solaris 9 sparc

Ah yes, that was the one: came up only a couple of weeks ago.

I don't know why it should fail in such a case.

Some kind of discrepancy between Solaris shell semantics and other systems, at a guess, but I don't know.

If somebody knows enough about this maybe we could raise a specific bug report with Sun.

I can't really speak about other systems.

As far as I know, it's thoroughly reliable on most of the other mainstream gcc platforms; Solaris is the only context I've heard anyone have problems with it, although there's one post in the thread I referenced above where someone thought they might once have seen the same on freebsd5.2. But for

Thank you, I'll have a poke around a bit further.

the rest, it seems to be perfectly acceptable to invoke configure with
either a relative or absolute path.

 So the doc patch you suggested belongs more properly in the
target-specific build/install instructions at, and in fact, if you check at,
you will see that someone's already documented this problem:

Thank you. I managed to miss that.

although the wording there makes it sound like it's only a problem for
configuring some of the subdirs; maybe the best approach would be just to
modify the test above to make it clear that the same problem can manifest as
other problems, including at "make install" time.

I'll let you know what happens.

cheers, DaveK

        Thank you,

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