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export CC=g++ ; make configure ; make

Mark Mitchell wrote:
> Nobody seemed to object with making modifications to the source so that
> it could be compiled with a C++ compiler, which is a first step in any
> event, so I think people should feel free to proceed with that.

I have an opinion about whether to use C++ in gcc, but I thought it
would be more interesting to just try it and see what happens.

I grabbed a recent CVS version of gcc HEAD and did:

  export CC=g++
  make bootstrap

This is on native i686-pc-linux-gnu, red hat enterprise linux 3.
The bootstrap compiler is g++ 3.2.3-34-rh.

It blew up here:

g++ -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O2 -I. -I./../include  -W -Wall -Wtraditional -pedantic ./regex.c -o regex.o
regex.c:2316: `pattern' was not declared in this scope
regex.c:2316: `size' was not declared in this scope
regex.c:2316: `syntax' was not declared in this scope
regex.c:2316: `bufp' was not declared in this scope
regex.c:2317: `reg_errcode_t byte_regex_compile' redeclared as different kind
   of symbol
regex.c:414: previous declaration of `reg_errcode_t byte_regex_compile(const
   char*, unsigned int, long unsigned int, re_pattern_buffer*)'

Many more syntax errors followed.

My two cents,

Michael C

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