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lno-branch vs ptr-to-member

I'm having a problem demonstrated by the example below. The key difficulty is

h = h + rowData[r].*size;

which is gimplified into

    size.6<D1654>_15 = (int<D2>)size<D1640>_14;
    T.7<D1655>_16 = T.5<D1653>_13 + size.6<D1654>_15;

The code that looks for induction variables tries to analyze
and winds up trying to do the conversion at compile time through
this chain of calls:


which crashes with error: aggregate value used where an integer was expected

I'm not familiar enough with ptr-to-member to figure out what it ought to be doing,
but this isn't it. Please help. (It seems wrong to call those particular conversion
routines here at all, since they call 'error' for problems, which looks like user errors
not compiler internal errors.)

I'll file a PR on this shortly.

class QGArray
  char *at (unsigned int index) const { return &shd[index]; }
  char *shd;
template<class type>
class QMemArray : public QGArray
    type& operator[]( int i ) const
 { return (type &)(*(type *)QGArray::at(i*sizeof(type))); }
struct QLayoutStruct
  bool empty;
class QGridLayoutData
    int rr;
    int findSize (int QLayoutStruct::*) const;
    QMemArray<QLayoutStruct> rowData;
int QGridLayoutData::findSize( int QLayoutStruct::*size ) const
    int h = 0;
    int n = 0;
    for ( int r = 0; r < rr; r++ ) {
       h = h + rowData[r].*size;
       if ( !rowData[r].empty )
  return n * h;

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