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Exploiting dual mode operation


Following our message ( )
regarding expoiting dual mode operations, we enclose an overview of our 

In order to support 32 bit computations on a 64 bit machine, sign 
instructions are generated to ensure the correctness of the computation.
A possible policy (currently implemented in gcc) is to generate a sign
extension after each 32 bit computation. Depending on the instruction set 
the architecture some of these sign extension instructions may be 

There are two cases:

The instruction using the 64bit operands (after they are sign-extended)
has a dual mode that works with 32bit operands.

For example:

int32 a, b;

a = ....                               a = ....
a = sign extend a          <-->
b = ....                               b = ....
b = sign extend a          <-->

cmpd a, b                              cmpw a, b  //half word compare

The instruction defining the 64bit operand (which is later sign-extended)
has a dual mode that defines and sign-extends a 32bit operand.

For example:

int32 a;

ld a                                   lwa a     // load half and sign 
a = sign extend a          <-->

return a                               return a

We'll present the algorithm on the following example:


We have two definitions of int32, and multiple uses as below:

                         def1           def2
                          | \           / |
                          |  \         /  |
                          |   \       /   |
                          |    \     /    |
                          |     \   /     |
                          |      \ /      |
                        use1    use12    use2

Assume that only a single sign extend (se) instruction is needed on the 
between def1 and use12 - for all other paths, the se can be combined with
either the def or the use.

0. Initial code, as currently generated by gcc.
   (There are sign extension after each definition)

                         def1           def2
                          se             se
                          | \           / |
                          |  \         /  |
                          |   \       /   |
                          |    \     /    |
                          |     \   /     |
                          |      \ /      |
                        use1    use12    use2

1. Combine
1.a prepare for combine 
   (Redundant) sign extensions generated also before uses.

                         def1           def2
                          se             se
                          | \           / |
                          |  \         /  |
                          |   \       /   |
                          |    \     /    |
                          |     \   /     |
                          |      \ /      |
                         se      se       se
                        use1    use12    use2

1.b combine
   - Combine tries to merge se's with defs and with uses.
   Assume it succeeds for def2 and use1:

                         def1           def2
                          se            [se removed]
                          | \           / |
                          |  \         /  |
                          |   \       /   |
                          |    \     /    |
                          |     \   /     |
                          |      \ /      |
                   [se removed]  se       se
                        use1    use12    use2

2. PRE
2.a  prepare for PRE
  - if combine did not remove an se after a def (as in def1), we remove it 
  (recall that it is redundant) - PRE should compute an optimal placement 
  se's which may or may not include this after-the-def location.
  - if combine did remove an se after a def (as in def2), we want PRE to 
  that the new def contains an se, so that it will remove other redundant 
  So we regenerate the se explicitly, and remove it eventually.

  - Note that if combine removed an se before a use, this use no longer 
  an se, so PRE needs not consider this use any longer (and hence we do 
  regenerate the se).

                         def1           def2
                     [se removed]        se [regenerated]
                          | \           / |
                          |  \         /  |
                          |   \       /   |
                          |    \     /    |
                          |     \   /     |
                          |      \ /      |
                                 se       se
                        use1    use12    use2

2.b PRE
   An optimal placement is:

                         def1           def2
                                         se [regenerated]
                          | \           / |
                          |  \         /  |
                          |   se      /   |
                          |    \     /    |
                          |     \   /     |
                          |      \ /      |
                        use1    use12    use2

4. Cleanup
   - The regenerated sign extension after def2 is removed.

                         def1           def2
                                     [se removed] 
                          | \           / |
                          |  \         /  |
                          |   se      /   |
                          |    \     /    |
                          |     \   /     |
                          |      \ /      |
                        use1    use12    use2

Finally we got the best placement for the sign extensions as required.

We will soon post part of code for review. 

Comments welcomed. Thanks,

Mircea and Leehod

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