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Re: Classifying bugs

> Many bugs?

Yes, from my experience with e.g. Ada PRs, many PRs have either a wrong priority
or wrong dependencies making PRs look like they are dependent on others
and blocking all of them while this is not necessary. I guess the latter
is probably Ada specific because people are not very familiar with how
things work, but the former looks more like a general trend.

I'd say that around 50% of the PRs I have dealt with had to be

> From the audit trails that prompted my comment, I have not seen that
> scenario being "many".

Aren't you are basing your judgement on an 'after the fact' basis, meaning
that you are only taking into account actualy changes of priorities that
brought your attention. I'd guess there are still many PRs wrongly
categorized simply because people do not have the time to correct them.


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