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Re: RTL templates

Petar Penchev wrote:
Can somebody tell me what is the minal set of RTL templates to be defined in
.md file ?

There is a list of standard names in the documentation, in the md.texi file. It doesn't say which ones are required. GCC knows how to synthesize lots of operations from other operations, and it knows how to call library routines for unimplemeted arithmetic operations, so I think the list of required patterns is probably pretty small. move, compare, branch, call, and maybe a few of the simpler logical/arithmetic operations like plus. Note that because we can synthesize operations, and there are multiple ways to synthesize operations, there is no fixed subset that is required, you just need enough basic operations of the right kinds so that all other operations can be synthesized.

I think I get that because my RTL templates are incopmlete, but I am not so
Any ideas how to fix that are welcome.

Debug cc1. Put a breakpoint in make_insn_raw, and figure why you are getting here with bad rtl.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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