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PR 11319 analyzed (Re: Patch fixing 3.3 bug PR 9745 and PR 10021)

On Friday 11 July 2003 08:55, Jim Wilson wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 09:18, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> > I concur -- Jim, please apply the patch and close those PRs which are
> > indeed fixed.
> I've added the patch to mainline and the 3.3 branch.
> This fixes 9745, but not 10021 nor 11319.  I will keep plugging away on
> this as time permits, trying to find patches for the other two that are
> acceptable to everyone.

I looked at what goes wrong with PR 11319. In 11319 we have the following 
short code fragment miscompiled:

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 8)
      cr = 0x13;
      for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
        tr[j] = cr;
      *x = tr[0];

in RTLed C this looks essentially like this:

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 8)
      cr = 0x13;
      for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
          reg123 = cr;
          tr[j] = reg123; // insn 73
      reg138 = tr[0]; //insn 86
      *x = reg138;

The INSN for tr[j] = reg123 looks like this:

(insn 73 71 75 7 0x3027e300 (set (mem/s:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI 136)
                (const_int 32 [0x20])) [4 tr S4 A32])
        (reg/v:SI 123)) 300 {*movsi_internal1} (nil)
    (expr_list:REG_EQUAL (const_int 19 [0x13])

The INSN for reg138 = tr[0] looks like this:

(insn 86 126 87 8 0x3027e300 (set (reg:SI 138)
        (mem/s:SI (plus:SI (reg/f:SI 31 r31)
                (const_int 40 [0x28])) [4 tr+0 S4 A128])) 300 
{*movsi_internal1} (nil)

Now what happens is that load_mems() puts insn 86 on the movables list cause 
true_dependence() says that this insn doesn't conflict with insn 73. Lateron 
move_movables() then creates this code:

  for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 8)
      cr = 0x13;
      reg138 = tr[0]; //insn 86
      for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
          reg123 = cr;
          tr[j] = reg123; // insn 73
      *x = reg138;

Certainly this doesn't set *x to the expected value.
This testcase quite nicely shows why Dale's "hackish" (why?) patch cured it. 
Dale's patch changes true_dependence() to look at the MEM_EXPRs of the MEMs 
above (what shows up as [4 tr S4 A32] and [4 tr+0 S4 A128] in the above RTL) 
and decides that they describe the same "object" and so the accesses 

This raised a few questions for me:

- why is Dale's patch "hackish", except for not curing all possible cases?
- why does move_movables() fiddle with single insns at all? Shouldn't it leave
  that to the scheduler? (note that the insn isn't hoisted out of the loop)
- why does it move the insn to the beginning of the loop, even across a inner
- why does load_mems() use true_depedence() even if -fno-strict-aliasing?

Currently I'm leaning to apply Dale's patch for 3.3.1, and the testcase to 
both branch and mainline.

What do you think?


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