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Re: target names and glibc versions on linux

On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 10:34:20AM -0700, Jim Wilson wrote:
> Alex Hornby wrote:
> >Anyway - the basic point is that say, Redhat 9 and Debian Woody are
> >quite different systems (glibc, kernel etc etc), at least as different
> >as solaris 2.6 and 2.8, but config.guess doesn't give me any assistance
> >in distinguishing them, so I have to fall back to add-hoc methods of my
> >own.
> A reasonable point.  I am not convinced that adding the glibc version 
> number completely solves it, because I think there will be other 
> problems.  It is probably better than nothing though.

I would use

./configure i686-glibc2_2-linux


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