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Re: Downloads

On 16 May 2003 at 10:27, Volker Reichelt wrote:

> BTW, does anybody actually *use* the seperate components?
> Given todays bandwidths and hard-disk sizes, I'd guess that everybody
> just grabs the full tarball (or the diffs).
> Maybe some only grab the core system (to get a system compiler).

Yes. I build up a binary release of a gcc cross-compiler for the AVR target 
hosted on Windows (MinGW). I only need to grab the core and c++ components. My 
Linux and FreeBSD companions do the same. There's also the possibility in the 
future of adding ada as a front-end as well.
> Wouldn't it make sense to remove the seperate components (that should
> save bandwidth on the mirrors and simplify the release procedure)?

I would put my USD0.02 into removing the .gz files and just keeping .bz2, since 
they're smaller files. Can't bzip2 be found on all platforms? I know it's 
available on Windows.

Eric Weddington

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