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Re: Suggestion for a new GNATS policy

On Mon, May 12, 2003 at 12:16:06AM -0400, Daniel Berlin wrote:
> >We confirm each bug many times, and every time we bump the date field. 
> >How
> >are we supposed to do this in Bugzilla?
> That's the easy (for me) way:
> You can unset-reset the flag.

How am I supposed to store the fact that I reconfirmed a bug with a
two day old cvs-Snapshot? Also unsetting and resetting a flag
to achieve this is just plain ugly. This information is just fundamentally
NOT a flag. Actually it is not even a timestamp of some bugzilla action,
it is the date of a CVS-Snapshot. And it is IMHO much less
important to be able to compare these fields, they are mainly there
for human inspection.

> It records *every* time the flag was set, not just the first time.
> It's trivial to query for all bugs where the flag has not been set in 
> the past x days.

Again, if we can query for the field in questions, that's nice, but
its much more important IMHO that this information is visible in the
result of a query.

> I just need to know *what* type of query you want to do on this flag, 
> so i can make it appear on the query form for you (for your 
> convenience, since you can constructs queries the hard way using the 
> boolean charts).

Being able to do text queries would suffice. The imporant thing is, that
this information is visible in the result of a query.

> >>Please put it somewhere else, since
> >>
> >>2. I can't remove it during conversion easily, and it'll uglify 
> >>reading
> >>bug lists since some bugs have them, and others don't. Adding it to 
> >>the
> >>front will also cause it to truncate some of the actual description.
> >>Already we have crap like:
> >>"[2003-05-03] [diagnostic] Bug in template type in error m..."
> >>
> >>Showing up in queries.

That's exactly why we put it into the synopsis: It SHOULD show up in queries
at least if I request this when doing a query.
If conversion is a problem, I hereby volunteer to extract a list containing
PR number and desired contents of the "last-confirmed" field for all open
PRs at the time of the switch over to bugzilla. This way you'd only have
to feed this to an SQL-query once.

   regards  Christian


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