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Re: volatile [was: GCC warnings for unused global variables]

On Saturday, May 3, 2003, at 09:50 AM, Michael Eager wrote:
When I was on the C++ Standards Committee, I submitted a proposal which
was intended to make volatile well defined and explicit, rather than use the
vague definition inherited from C. Unfortunately, the proposal was not
adopted. A large part of the committee felt that volatile was an obscure
feature which did not need clarification. The small part of the committee
which thought that volatile was important had the opinion that it would be
impossible (or at least very difficult) to define it precisely, although it
appeared that we all agreed on the same correct behavior for volatile.

Hum. My memory could be fading here, but I thought I was against it because there was at least one wrong thing (IMHO) in how you defined it at the time, and I thought the status quo was better than a status wrong.

Anyway, I think it would be great if you'd put up your work on volatile up on a web site, and solicit feedback, and fix/expand/explain it for folks. If the nits of it are fixed, I think it would be good to have in the language standards for C/C++. Also, we can link it from the gcc web site for those that would like a more complete explanation of volatile.

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