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g77 & RAM access

     What is the maximum physical memory (RAM) on PC 
that g77 (or other fortran) can adrress?

   Please correct me if I am wrong. For 32-bit fortran 
compiler (g77 or others), there are 2^31 - 1 = 
2,147,483,647 pointers or 2,147,483,647*8 = 
17,179,869,176 byte of double precision.So 16 GB is 
the answer,isn't it? However, the Linux 2.4.X provides 
only 2.3GB - 3GB, the maximun of memory per single 
( It 
means that g77 (or others) is reliable for less than 3GB 
on PC-Linux system, doesn't it?              

Anuchit Aromsawa

Student of Mathermatics
Mahidol University,

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