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A minor amusement - reconstructing the gcc-1.23 release tarball

Hi all,

It's vacation time here in the US, so what could I better spend my
time on than trying to reconstruct the earliest gcc release possible.

I started with the gcc-1.35.tar.bz2 and gcc-1.36.tar.bz2 releases that
I dug up back in '94-'95 and have on the ftp site in old-releases/gcc-1.
Then I took the release-to-release diffs, which we have going back to 
gcc-1.23, and applied them one by one.

It wasn't a perfect process - there are three files that consistently
had a little patch fuzz on them, so my verisons have an a dozen
extra/fewer lines that the release gcc-1.23 files did not.  There are
two files that weren't in any diffs - .gdbinit and tm-news800.h - so
I couldn't reconstruct those.

I'm pretty sure I correctly handled all the other dozens of bogosities
I encountered while trying to patch back these files, but unless
someone has a SunOS box still running, we'll probably never know.  :-)

I put all of the files here:

The final gcc-1.23 release I came up with is here:

Here's a copy of rms' announcement about 1.23:

The gcc-1.23.tar.bz2 file is 655k.  And gcc-3.2.1.tar.bz2 is 20,605k.
Oink oink.

Have fun,


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