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Re: What are the chances of another release from gcc-3_2-branch?

On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 10:42:01PM -0600, Michael Elizabeth Chastain
> >> My question: is it safe for me to stop testing gcc-3_2-branch?  That is,
> >> what are the chances of another gcc release such as a "gcc 3.2.2" coming
> >> from the gcc-3_2-branch?

Mark Mitchell writes:

> I don't think any decision has been made.  Personally, I'm trying to focus
> on 3.3/3.4; there's plenty enough to do there.  But, if people want another
> 3.2 release we can do one.
> If someone else wants to step forward to run a 3.2.2 release, that would
> be fine, too.

I'd started a release-notes document on the assumption that there would be
a 3.2.2.  That doesn't imply that therefore we have to do one :-), but it
does mean that I have some data.

Currently it appears that there are 24 PR fixes that have been added to
the 3.2 branch since the 3.2.1 release; 14 of these are ICEs, and 9 are
C++ compiler or library bug fixes.  It seems that *someone* expects
something to happen from all this work.  Distros relying on 3.2 compilers
might want to pick up these fixes.

Some of the fixes are for obscure cases, but some of them people are
likely to want to pick up.  Here are some highlights:

8332	(c++) builtin strlen/template interation causes ICE
8439	(c, not c++) empty struct causes ICE
8518	ICE when compiling mplayer ("extern inline" issue)
8615	(c++) ICE with out-of-range character constant template argument

8214	conversion from const char* const to char* sometimes accepted illegally
7445	poor performance of std::locale::classic() in multi-threaded applications
8399	sync_with_stdio(false) breaks unformatted input
8790	Use of non-thread-safe strtok in src/
8887	Bug in date formats with --enable-clocale=generic

8794	optimization improperly eliminates certain expressions

8524	_Pragma within macros is improperly expanded

x86-specific (Intel/AMD):

8588	ICE in extract_insn, at recog.c:NNNN (shift instruction)

Ideally Mark shouldn't be asked to do a 3.2.2 and 3.3 in about the same
timeframe.  If someone else wants to volunteer, that would be great.
If we are going to do it, I would suggest freezing what we have (unless
there's a very good argument for one or two more fixes), do a prerelease
tarball, get some testing of that and ship.

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