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Re: suggested requirement and what funding is for

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 12:54 AM, Tom Lord wrote:
So, what, in the free software world, does one do in such a state?  I
don't know -- but I'm certainly disinclined to just throw up my arms
and walk away from it.
The usual method is to find a few unhappy users of other systems that want/use features that their current system doesn't have, or does poorly, and convince them to use your system. Congeal them into a user community, with visibility into each other. Start small, one two person teams. Treat those users well (one user cannot be that demanding). Finish off the rough corners they find. Have them tell two friends. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Kenner's company is exactly the type of place you need to use the software, to bad you don't understand it. Find someone that does understand it to help you spread arch.

From my perspective, cvs started from rcs, already popular, already in use here and there, easy import methodology (and easy export methodology should one want) and got into places like Cygnus (little tiny company), and from there to hacker communities and from there into sourceforge and the rest was history.

We won't notice arch, we'll notice that in 5-10 years arch is still around and kicking and people are _still_ using it, then we'll consider it.

If you have a system that can operate beside an existing system, you could have people use arch in front of their repository to provide them additional benefits for a decent cost. The more people that do this, the more natural it will be for the thing just behind arch to become arch.

Let's take a few scenarios:

Say I have an intolerably slow cvs server (I do, meta comment, it is faster to pound on the gcc cvs server than our in-house cvs server, despite the fact the one is across the internet and the other is connected via a 100 mbps local connection), say I could say:

arch co gcc

and then:

arch update, arch diff, arch ci, arch merge...

and have all these operations be blindingly fast. Maybe I would want to use arch, even though, I could not use arch, because my central cvs server is just a hair beyond my control.

Maybe you haven't made that work yet, or maybe you've not told me that it works.

Maybe people have an overloaded cvs server that is very slow on branches and they now have tons of extra branches now that they never had before. Maybe arch could be plugged into the server on the side of cvs, with cvs commits triggering arch pull commands and arch commits going into cvs directly. The people on branches start using arch, because, well, it just kicks butt compared to cvs. Then maybe a few other users start using it because they can manage their local changes better with all the extra neat merging functionality and ease of use arch provides. Maybe over time, people just turn off the cvs part, as no one uses that `side' of it anymore.

Find one user willing to try arch, and make him happy. Then find just one more, make him happy, then find one more... Pretty soon, either you will stop and go away, you'll have oddles of users, or you find an equilibrium point. The best case, is find a project that will be where gcc and Linux are today in 5-10 yaers time, and get them to use your software. There was a time when sourceforge only had 100 projects on it.

gcc is a large, demanding project. We'll consider arch, after 20-50 other smaller less important projects use arch for a while, and have a good experience. arch needs users to have good experiences with it, desite its shortcomings. Maybe you should start an I hate cvs web site where uses can go to complain about cvs, and then find users from that pool.

Certainly there were shortcomings with cvs, but they were overlooked because it offered something that rcs didn't have, that people wanted.

Free software is hard work.

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