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Re: upgrading fromm old gcc (newbie Q)

On Sat, Nov 23, 2002 at 11:56:56PM -0000, tim@glastonburymusic wrote:
> Hi
> I know this may be obvious (newbie alert!)
> I want to upgrade to the latest version of gcc (3.2)
> I already have .2.8.0 and pgcc.2.91.66 on my f00f bug pentium 133 (w/ 32M
> RAM) & 2.0.x Linux kernel.
> a) is there any reason that my hardware won't be able to handle it?

Unless your RAM is bad, or going that way, no. The compile will take 
some time because you don't have a lot of RAM and a slow CPU.     

> b) do I need to upgrade to say 2.95 or 3.0 as an intermediary stage?


> c) do I need to learn ALL the in & outs of gcc before I try doing this?

No. Just RTFM, as you've done, take your time, and you should be okay.


Peter's Law of Substitution:
	Look after the molehills, and the mountains will look after

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