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Re: gcc 3.1 and gdb 5.2? (and cygwin gcc 3.1 problem )

True true,  although I didn't say gdb was more reliable than gcc, I just
said gcc was more complicated and more experimental because a lot more
people are involved in it and there's a lot more source code etc.

By the way, if I take the 3.1 release branch and compile it  under cygwin,
then with certain types of code compiled with with the option "-g" and using
STL I get link errors related to internal STL functions being missing -
stuff that probably should be inlined.  Has anyone else seen this?

If I take the beta version from around the end of March I don't get this

Q-Games, Dylan Cuthbert.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kai Henningsen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: gcc 3.1 and gdb 5.2?

> (Dylan Cuthbert)  wrote on 13.06.02 in
> > My next stop was going to be the gdb and cygwin lists, however, gcc is
> > more complicated and experimental of the other two and I wanted to see
> > anyone else was experiencing problems on other platforms too.
> What a strange thing to say. From my experience, gcc on cygwin has been
> stable just about forever, but gdb has a history of extreme instability on
> cygnus. (The first gdb I used on cygwin had a tendency to crash on about
> 70% of all debugged-program crashes, and to not show any useful info on
> about half the rest. Printf debugging was usually way faster. Or
> reproducing the bug on Linux, of course. It's become way better, but I
> still don't entirely trust that gdb.)
> MfG Kai

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