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Re: Convert 3.2 sources to ISO C90

 In message <>, Daniel Jacobowitz writes:
 > Conveniently, I believe Geoff contributed the basis of code to run
 > fixincludes at install rather than build time last week... Packaging it
 > up appropriately should just be the matter of an hour or two.
Yup.  What's even better is the ability to run fixincludes *after* installation
of the compiler.  Cygnus/Red Hat has had hacks to do this for a long time
as it didn't make any sense (and was a legal minefield) to distribute
fixed header files as part of our releases.

For example, let's say you built & installed GCC.  Then you installed some
patch from your vendor which twiddled the include files -- you want to 
get those newly twiddled include files re-scanned and fixed.

This means that fixincludes would actually be part of the installed set of
programs so that it could be run later.  Or re-run if the install directory
is copied from one system to another.


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