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Re: GCC performance regression - its memset!

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 11:13:09PM -0600, Roger Sayle wrote:
> I think its one of Jan's changes.  I can reproduce the problem, and
> fix it using "-minline-all-stringops" which forces 3.1 to inline the
> memset on i686.  I was concerned that it was a middle-end bug with
> builtins, but it now appears to be an ia32 back-end issue.
> Michel, does "-minline-all-stringops" fix the problem for you?

This option actually generates invalid code for me. Here is a test case:

------------------- cut here -----------------
#include <string.h>

short table[64];

int main (void)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        table[i] = 1234;

    memset (table, 0, 63 * sizeof(short));

    return (table[63] != 0);
------------------- cut here -----------------

This code should return 0, however it returns 1 (compiled with -O3

Here is an extract from the generated asm (the memset part of it):
        movl    $table, %edi
        testl   $1, %edi       <- test 1-byte alignment (hmmm, isnt table
                                  already two-byte aligned, being a short ?)
        movl    $126, %eax     <- we want to clear 126 bytes
        je      .L7
        movb    $0, table
        movl    $table+1, %edi <- now edi is guaranteed two-byte-aligned
        movl    $125, %eax
        testl   $2, %edi       <- test 4-byte alignment
        je      .L8
        movw    $0, (%edi)
        subl    $2, %eax       <- now edi is guaranteed four-byte-aligned
        addl    $2, %edi
        movl    %eax, %ecx
        xorl    %eax, %eax
        shrl    $2, %ecx       <- number of 4-byte words remaining
        testl   $2, %edi       <- ooops, its really meant to test the remainder
                                  not the address !!! so test will always fail.
        je      .L9
        movw    $0, (%edi)
        addl    $2, %edi
        testl   $1, %edi       <- that one too.
        je      .L10
        movb    $0, (%edi)

2.95 was generating simpler code:
        movl $table,%edi
        xorl %eax,%eax
        movl $31,%ecx

This did not take care about alignment issues, but was simpler and
actually faster on my athlon.

Hope this helps,

Michel "Walken" LESPINASSE
Is this the best that god can do ? Then I'm not impressed.

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