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Re: [Ada/win32] win32 registry key?

      if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        res = RegOpenKeyExA (reg_key, "Ada Core Technologies", 0,
                             KEY_READ, &reg_key);

    Shouldn't that be 

       res = RegOpenKeyExA (reg_key, "Free Software Foundation", 0,
                             KEY_READ, &reg_key);

    which is where prefix.c looks when gcc is built with

Perhaps it should be changed, but that's a different key.  The one you
are thinking about is the one that says where to find the parts of
GCC.  This is a key that lets additional Ada libraries be installed
and found automatically.  It has nothing to do with the other key.

There has been some discussion within ACT about removing this key as
it might have been a bad idea (I can say that freely since it was *my*
idea originally).

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