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Re: new benchmark times on alpha

> On Sun, Nov 11, 2001 at 01:43:35PM -0500, Brad Lucier wrote:
> > BFD: Dwarf Error: Invalid or unhandled FORM value: 14.
> Update to this morning's cvs binutils; Jakub committed a fix.

Thanks for the notice, the cvs gprof indeed works fine.

Jan probably already has this information, but here is what I found
with gprof on the example file (scheme.i) that I gave:

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.000976562 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self              self     total           
 time   seconds   seconds    calls  ms/call  ms/call  name    
 24.25     25.67    25.67 43844567     0.00     0.00  rtx_renumbered_equal_p
 10.22     36.49    10.82 43844154     0.00     0.00  flow_find_cross_jump
  8.24     45.21     8.72 87794854     0.00     0.00  onlyjump_p
  7.73     53.40     8.19 88305428     0.00     0.00  side_effects_p
  7.33     61.16     7.76 43891636     0.00     0.00  try_crossjump_to_edge
  5.55     67.03     5.87    26326     0.22     2.99  try_crossjump_bb
  4.53     71.83     4.80 112002629     0.00     0.00  find_reg_note
  4.14     76.22     4.38 87745285     0.00     0.00  find_reg_equal_equiv_note
  2.39     78.75     2.53 43890671     0.00     0.00  outgoing_edges_match
  2.26     81.14     2.39    30944     0.08     0.14  sched_analyze_insn
  2.15     83.42     2.28                             htab_traverse
  1.71     85.23     1.81 20145235     0.00     0.00  canon_rtx
  1.04     86.33     1.10     5767     0.19     0.35  free_deps
  0.93     87.32     0.98 80530460     0.00     0.00  free_INSN_LIST_list
  0.81     88.18     0.86 14247888     0.00     0.00  bitmap_set_bit
  0.65     88.86     0.69  3095245     0.00     0.00  find_base_term
  0.51     89.41     0.54  4349220     0.00     0.00  rtx_equal_for_memref_p
  0.51     89.95     0.54  2564766     0.00     0.00  ggc_alloc
  0.48     90.46     0.51     9089     0.06     0.62  compute_transp
  0.45     90.93     0.48 13675537     0.00     0.00  alloc_INSN_LIST
  0.45     91.41     0.47     3557     0.13     0.13  expunge_block
  0.41     91.84     0.44 13474260     0.00     0.00  free_list
  0.35     92.21     0.37     2204     0.17     0.17  pre_expr_reaches_here_p_work
  0.32     92.55     0.34  1447537     0.00     0.00  canon_true_dependence
  0.32     92.89     0.34  1512638     0.00     0.00  memrefs_conflict_p
  0.30     93.21     0.32   516573     0.00     0.00  for_each_rtx
  0.28     93.50     0.30   182430     0.00     0.00  constrain_operands
  0.24     93.76     0.26        1   255.86 103277.21  yyparse_1
  0.22     93.99     0.23  6024088     0.00     0.00  addr_side_effect_eval
                0.00    2.09       1/38          update_life_info [32]
                0.00    6.28       3/38          optimize_sibling_and_tail_recursive_calls [22]
                0.00   71.20      34/38          rest_of_compilation [8]
[9]     75.2    0.00   79.57      38         cleanup_cfg [9]
                0.04   79.50      38/38          try_optimize_cfg [10]
                0.00    0.03      47/47          delete_unreachable_blocks [309]
                0.00    0.00      38/527588      timevar_push [148]
                0.00    0.00      38/527588      timevar_pop [167]
                0.00    0.00      76/44864       free_EXPR_LIST_list [973]
                0.04   79.50      38/38          cleanup_cfg [9]
[10]    75.1    0.04   79.50      38         try_optimize_cfg [10]
                5.87   72.83   26326/26326       try_crossjump_bb [11]
                0.00    0.39    2833/3345        flow_delete_block [61]
                0.07    0.12   48798/54086       redirect_edge_and_branch [111]
                0.02    0.10   71529/71529       try_simplify_condjump [161]
                0.01    0.02   85384/85384       try_forward_edges [285]
                0.00    0.03    1505/1505        merge_blocks [332]
                0.00    0.02   45206/47314       update_forwarder_flag [409]
                0.01    0.00   52058/87794854     onlyjump_p [15]
                0.00    0.00       6/7           remove_fake_edges [787]
                0.00    0.00     752/6616        delete_insn_chain [570]
                0.00    0.00       6/7           add_noreturn_fake_exit_edges [1023]
                0.00    0.00     752/61994       reg_mentioned_p [293]
                0.00    0.00      12/3960        redirect_edge_succ_nodup [169]
                0.00    0.00       6/8545        remove_fake_successors [777]
                0.00    0.00       1/1232        tail_recursion_label_p [1447]
                5.87   72.83   26326/26326       try_optimize_cfg [10]
[11]    74.3    5.87   72.83   26326         try_crossjump_bb [11]
                7.76   65.07 43891636/43891636     try_crossjump_to_edge [12]
                7.76   65.07 43891636/43891636     try_crossjump_bb [11]
[12]    68.8    7.76   65.07 43891636         try_crossjump_to_edge [12]
               10.82   51.68 43844154/43844154     flow_find_cross_jump [13]
                2.53    0.00 43890671/43890671     outgoing_edges_match [35]
                0.00    0.02     281/281         split_block [385]
                0.01    0.00    1924/5887        remove_edge [403]
                0.00    0.01    1902/2213        make_single_succ_edge [618]
                0.00    0.00    1902/2001        emit_jump_insn_after [795]
                0.00    0.00    1902/6616        delete_insn_chain [570]
                0.00    0.00    1902/4450        gen_jump [794]
                0.00    0.00    1902/6248        block_label [801]
                0.00    0.00    1902/47314       update_forwarder_flag [409]
                0.00    0.00    1902/261854      next_nonnote_insn [419]
                0.00    0.00    1902/112002629     find_reg_note [26]
                0.00    0.00    1924/55416       free_edge [844]
                0.00    0.00      22/124         emit_barrier_after [1135]
                0.00    0.00      22/847131      gen_rtx_CONST_INT [276]
               10.82   51.68 43844154/43844154     try_crossjump_to_edge [12]
[13]    59.0   10.82   51.68 43844154         flow_find_cross_jump [13]
               25.67    0.00 43844405/43844567     rtx_renumbered_equal_p [14]
                8.71    8.12 87688308/87794854     onlyjump_p [15]
                4.38    3.76 87688810/87745285     find_reg_equal_equiv_note [18]
                0.98    0.00 22979529/112002629     find_reg_note [26]
                0.02    0.03   95469/131369      returnjump_p [212]
                0.00    0.00   53062/1624981     rtx_equal_p [146]
                             87864772             rtx_renumbered_equal_p [14]
                0.00    0.00     162/43844567     outgoing_edges_match [35]
               25.67    0.00 43844405/43844567     flow_find_cross_jump [13]
[14]    24.2   25.67    0.00 43844567+87864772 rtx_renumbered_equal_p [14]
                             87864772             rtx_renumbered_equal_p [14]
                0.00    0.00       3/87794854     tidy_fallthru_edges [566]
                0.00    0.00       8/87794854     noce_process_if_block [1045]
                0.00    0.00     499/87794854     tidy_fallthru_edge [733]
                0.00    0.00    2374/87794854     thread_jumps [425]
                0.00    0.00    2444/87794854     delete_null_pointer_checks [96]
                0.00    0.00   49160/87794854     try_redirect_by_replacing_jump [238]
                0.01    0.00   52058/87794854     try_optimize_cfg [10]
                8.71    8.12 87688308/87794854     flow_find_cross_jump [13]
[15]    15.9    8.72    8.13 87794854         onlyjump_p [15]
                8.13    0.00 87697423/88305428     side_effects_p [17]


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