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Re: Which egcs ?

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 11:20:03AM -0700, mike stump wrote:
> > Hi. What's the recommended (or most stable) release of egcs ?
> Egcs is dead.  Egcs is gcc.  The latest release of gcc can be found on
> our web site. Let use know if the web site doesn't
> make it clear.

I know, but egcs is still the recommended compiler for Kernel

"COMPILING the kernel:

- Make sure you have gcc-2.91.66 (egcs-1.1.2) available. gcc 2.95.2 may
  also work but is not as safe, and *gcc is no longer supported*."

and rescue disks (to save space).

What I want to know is what's the recommended (or most
stable) release of egcs. 1.1.2 (egcs_1_1_2_release) or
egcs_ss_19990913 (egcs_latest_snapshot), or any other

If 1.1.2, are that any problems fixed by patches ?

And if it's OK to compile egcs with GNU C Library 2.2.4. Or
it generates wrong code. I only need the C part.

0@pervalidus.{net, {dyndns.}org} Tel: 55-21-2717-2399 (Niterói-RJ BR)

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