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Re: Vector Extensions in GCC

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Stan Shebs wrote:

> in 3.x, and it looks to me like we need to start over (just as well,
> since Motorola has never assigned their copyright).

Why were copyright assignments a problem for this (given that there is an 
old assignment from Motorola on file for other changes

GCC     Motorola, Computer Group Core Technologies and Systems  1993-08-19
Assigns all changes by Motorola which are incorporated into the FSF's
source base (m68k, m88k support).


> Are overloaded builtins a good idea?  If so, do they need any
> special support from generic code?

Overloaded builtins are desirable in order to implement <tgmath.h> in a
sane way - see the projects list.  The C front end would need to carry out
overload resolution on builtin calls at a sufficiently early stage, before
it tries to convert argument types or work out what the type of the
expression calling the builtin is.  Once that support is in,
target-dependent overloaded builtins are probably fairly harmless.

> If vector constants are a bad idea, what should programmers do
> instead?

The C99 compound literal syntax would be far preferable to the syntax with
parentheses you give an example of.  (That is, (vector float) {1.0, 2.0,
3.0, 4.0} instead of (vector float) (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0).)

Joseph S. Myers

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