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Re: Beyond GCC 3.0: Summing Up

> However, that decision should be made independently.  If a patch breaks 
> ROMP, we should ask if we still want to support it.  If
> we don't, then we don't care, and that failure is not a regression;
> the spec has changed.  Ideally, we would decide what platforms,
> if any, to obsolete at the *start* of a major release cycle,
> and then make the remainder work well.  It seems a bit odd to
> decide in the middle of things to desupport a target because some
> patch breaks it, but seems otherwise good.

And, ideally, such decisions should be made public (either by posting to 
gcc-announce, or by a statement in the release notes of a preceding 
release).  Then someone who really needs such support has the opportunity 
to step forward with either time or money as the case may be.


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