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GCC 3.0 Status Report

Mark Mitchell wrote:
>Looking Forward
>I am beginning to think about GCC 3.0.1 and GCC 3.1.  It is my goal to
>get us, finally, on a regular schedule of quarterly major releases.  I
>will present my ideas for how to achieve this to the GCC Steering
>Committee this week or very early next week.  I anticipate that a
>decision will be made within a couple of weeks.


I have some code here that I would like to see in GCC, it allows the
reading of command line arguments from a file, there was a discussion
about this, inspired by me, a while back. I had posted this before but I
think it got lost in the certainly more important GCC-3.0 work. This is
a proposal and I am not sure where and how it should be integrated in
GCC but am willing to do the work if I can get some pointers and help on
where and how.

Mark I know you'll have your hands full the next few days but I would
certainly appreciate if you could keep this in mind for GCC-3.01 or


To use the example:

- compile parser.c (gcc -o parse parser.c)
- run it (parse -I. -L/usr -@myCmdFile.txt -o cute)

Robert Schweikert                      MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU                         LINUX


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