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Re: libjava test suite keeps getting stuck

On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 07:09:16PM -0600, Tom Tromey wrote:
> >>>>> "Zack" == Zack Weinberg <zackw@Stanford.EDU> writes:
> Zack> This is likely to be a long-standing bug in the Linux thread
> Zack> library.  exit(3) from the main thread does not reliably
> Zack> terminate all other threads.  libjava may be assuming that it
> Zack> does.  The bug is more or less unfixable, and needs to be worked
> Zack> around.
> How?
> I think we already have special hacks for Linux threads.  Adding one
> more won't hurt.

It now appears that I was mistaken in thinking that this was the
problem.  I'm still not confident that exit does kill all other
threads, but we should probably wait until we know it's a problem
before trying to work around it.

See my other message for a more thorough analysis.


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