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Re: exceptions and gdb

On 15 Mar 2001 wrote:
> I noticed that if there are uncaught C++ exceptions, gdb is unable to
> provide any useful info as to the source of the exception.  Tracing
> through stack frames doesn't provide any useful information AFAIK.  I
> wonder if it would be possible to improve this.

>From except.c:

   Future directions:

   Currently __throw makes no differentiation between cleanups and
   user-defined exception regions. While this makes the implementation
   simple, it also implies that it is impossible to determine if a
   user-defined exception handler exists for a given exception without
   completely unwinding the stack in the process. This is undesirable
   from the standpoint of debugging, as ideally it would be possible
   to trap unhandled exceptions in the debugger before the process of
   unwinding has even started.

Meanwhile setting a breakpoint on __throw is perhaps the best workaround.


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