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Re: Suggestions for GNATS

> One of my complaints is that a lot of reports get dumped into the
> catch-all categories of "c" and "c++" for no reason other than the code
> being compiled is c / c++.  I'd like to rename these "C front end" and
> "C++ front end" respectively, to make (what I assume) is the intended
> meaning more clear.

Users may not be able to distinguish front end from back end bugs, so
any such process will have to involve bug reviewers re-classifying them
later on.

> I think it might be an idea to have a "don't know" category - I think
> it's better that submitters who aren't sure of the right category say
> so explicitly than dumping it in the wrong one - I'd be happy to tidy
> up after them.

Many people don't know that they don't know. :-)

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